Modern House Real Estate

1611 Michigan Ave, Miami Beach, FL 33139
  • License: US-123-456-5463
  • Tax Number: 123-456-5567

About Modern House Real Estate

Nulla sed ligula tincidunt, posuere tellus quis, cursus risus. Duis sed luctus elit, at faucibus enim. Vestibulum libero mi, rhoncus et sodales eu, hendrerit non eros. Mauris laoreet, ante id fermentum volutpat, elit mauris sollicitudin orci, vel imperdiet turpis lacus sit amet ipsum. Vestibulum ultrices, ex at congue vehicula, ipsum orci bibendum nunc, at vestibulum nisl justo sit amet orci. Aenean vitae congue magna. Duis dapibus tincidunt felis, in hendrerit lorem cursus sit amet. Quisque dapibus, lorem a vestibulum scelerisque, ligula nisl placerat turpis, eu venenatis sapien dolor in quam. Ut eu tortor sollicitudin leo sodales pharetra. Nulla eget posuere arcu.

Vivamus vel lacus lacinia, condimentum nunc non, iaculis diam. Proin in mollis augue, eget fermentum quam. Donec semper purus ut ante tempus gravida. Quisque et ante orci. Sed venenatis turpis mi, non varius justo scelerisque id. Maecenas fermentum nunc sed maximus efficitur. Pellentesque nec turpis viverra, cursus ex porta, porttitor odio. In gravida ante nec eleifend commodo. Cras gravida interdum nisl, vel venenatis nisl consectetur ut. Duis in erat quis dui imperdiet pretium et eu purus. Fusce purus ex, placerat et eros quis, lacinia tempor ligula. Mauris eu efficitur ligula. Sed scelerisque, elit nec condimentum ullamcorper, sem enim commodo ligula, ut porttitor purus turpis ut sem. Ut vehicula velit nec lorem tempus, hendrerit aliquam sapien lacinia. Aenean quis efficitur odio.

Vivamus quis ligula nec diam fermentum molestie ut ut dolor. In congue, neque quis fermentum tincidunt, metus augue viverra tortor, quis placerat ex sem ac turpis. Vivamus nec molestie sapien. Maecenas aliquet sit amet odio et ornare. Suspendisse pharetra nibh dictum sapien rutrum tempus. Nullam nec maximus nunc. Fusce ultrices nibh id ornare rhoncus. Curabitur sit amet ornare sapien.

Language: english, french

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    Founder & CEO

    Sean has worked in real estate development and place-making since 1993. He is passionate about the outdoor lifestyle and sharing it with others. Sean is a visionary leader – having assembled a team of like-minded individuals with skills and talents that span the spectrum of home and land development, architecture, interior and landscape design – and more. He is a creative, flexible and collaborative partner who is truly invested in delivering your dream of the perfect mountain retreat. Away from the office, you can catch up with Sean exploring with family and friends in the Cascade Mountains, the San Juan Islands, or discovering the many neighborhoods throughout Seattle.


    Marketing & Customer Relations Manager

    Having spent most of her life in Seattle, Sarah is proud to call the Pacific Northwest home. With an extensive background in Sales and Customer Service, she is extremely accommodating and is driven by results and client satisfaction. Sarah enjoys meeting new people and celebrating milestones which makes helping those seeking to build a custom home or buying a newly completed, move-in-ready home, a perfect fit. Prior to joining Trailside, Sarah most recently held the position of Sales and Marketing Manager for a luxury King County homebuilder, responsible for land acquisition, sales, and marketing. Professionally and personally, Sarah is known to build lifelong relationships with those around her. She spends every ounce of her free time with her husband, two lovely children and likes to unwind by exploring new recipes or planning events with her friends and family. Whether traveling or working in her local community, you are sure to find Sarah with a welcoming, cheerful spirit and smile on her face.

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